Shipping Policy

We deliver our juices overnight and into the early hours of the morning meaning our deliveries are at unsociable hours so we will not knock or ring the doorbell to notify you of delivery.

This often means we'll need to deliver the juices in a safe space (off the main road, where it won't be picked up by neighbours or passers by). This would ideally be your doorstep or a safe space provided by you, this could be a recycling bin, nearby foliage, or any other suggested space. 

If you live in a high rise building we would advise against purchasing, as we will encounter difficulty finding a safe space unless you can provide us details of a safe space for delivery. 

Our drivers will take a photo of your order once delivered and share this with you. If you do not provide us with safe space delivery instructions we will use our intuition to find the safest space we deem appropriate for delivery. 

If for any reason delivery is unsuccessful, you will need to inform us within 12 hours of receiving your delivery notification. In most cases we will refund you immediately, however if we receive this request after 12 hours we will not be able to accept responsibility for any missing or spoiled items. 

For any questions, email us atÂ